Friday 23 April 2010

Bunny girls and fluffy things

Bunnies. Tight, black, shiny numbers with lots of leg, boob and big fluffy ears on show. Remember them - well calm down it's the other kind. I reckon I'm missing a trick here. A woman has insured Darius the rabbit for £1 million. Why? Where's the payback?

Let's be clear - a fantasy in fishnets got up to give the guys a stroke just might tick the right boxes and end up a Bond girl. Or Jessica Rabbit. Could happen.
But a bunny? I DO love them, they are fabulous! Got two outside and appealing isn't the word. Wildly attractive to every three-year-old for miles. Can't see them making me a fortune anytime soon though. Not even if I stick them on steroids and bulk them up to beat the world heavyweight record held by that juggernaut three and a half stone Darius.

His insurance costs £250 a month. That's more than our mortgage. Is he auditioning for X factor? Will he do lifts or haul trucks like they do on World's Strongest Man? I'd pay good money for that. Ringside seat - name your price! As it is, he sits there looking furry and very, very fat. How could that be worth a million if he gets nicked? Or is this a devoted - but deeply disturbed owner?

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