Tuesday 20 January 2015

Party Prats

A kid fails to show at his friend's party - and gets an invoice for non-attendance! How much is Julie Lawrence regretting that now? Miffed that her five-year-old was slighted, she goes well overboard and wants her money back.
Every playground is a pratfall waiting to happen. So easy to get it wrong and have the whole shebang blow up in your face. Best advice I ever got was: "You'll have more rows over your kids than anything else. Leave well alone!"
Did I listen? Of course not. Waded in more than once. The kids made up instantly, but the mums? Well that took longer.
So Alex didn't fancy the Ski Slope, wanted to go to his gran's instead. Lots of lads of his age would. Save that exciting stuff for the eight-year-olds, I'd say and keep your cash, because the parties only get more expensive. Julie could've done with that advice, but would she have listened? No way.

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