Monday 12 January 2015

Suffer the Children for Islam

It's jail for the young lad, "in contempt of Islam." Three years banged up in Egypt. Hell's bells their cells must be bursting at the seams! Is there room for one more?
Plenty of contempt for Islam about right now and we all know why. They are sending ten-year-old girls off to be suicide bombers. Not enough devout young men then? All those celestial virgins no longer the catch they once seemed?
What do little girls get - a chance to swing upon a shiney star? Just suppose all religion is a lie, as I believe it to be. What have these morons got left in their lives?
No one has any proof of an after-life, but brain-dead fundamentalists are all too willing to cut short this one, using terrified little girls. Jesus would have wept.

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