Tuesday 15 June 2010

Taleban Change of Plan?

Tough call Taleban. Been good all this hanging around in the Dark Ages, terrorising folk and locking up women but now lads it seems we are sitting on a goldmine. Or a lithium mine, which could be worth even more. Now there's a dilemma.
All this time we've been slagging off the West because they like to buy stuff. We are too poor to buy stuff, so that seemed fair,
But now Afghanistan could be oozing with lithium, which they need for their computers and phones. Even Osama likes his phone. It's on our land and could be worth trillions.Trillions!
Only we'd need their help to get it out of the ground. Engineers, mining kit, so on. What to do? We could stay dirt poor. Or we could shake hands, say sorry pal about the bombs and could you see your way clear to digging a great big hole for us? We'd make it worth your while.
Rags or riches? Only one way to decide - FIGHT!!!!

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