Saturday 2 October 2010

Booze, Books and Laughs

Got the beers, biscuits and pot noodle. Oh, and fridge and the huge tin of toffees. Sorted! That's the boy off to uni then. His needs are few and simple. Take care of the booze and the books can take care of themselves.

Got a lot to lug, so we bought a top box for the car. Wish we'd had it when the kids were young and we were still bringing the bread machine. Thinking about it we could have stuffed the kids in the top box, wedged them all in easily. And the dog. We could have listened to Radio Three.

Actually that might be the best way to bring the boy. Leave wrapped in his duvet, bundle him aboard and he can sleep his way there. That's probably how he'll spend the next three years, give or take a lecture or two. Hope stays awake long enough to fit in some laughs, loads and loads of those.

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