Wednesday 12 June 2013

Shame The Name Of Jesus

A young lad in short pants kicks a man on the ground as three grown men show him how. That's how they teach their kids to be Christian in Russia. The curled up figure trying to protect his head is gay.
Bruised, bleeding and utterly defeated, he finally gets to his feet. His attackers are protected by the police. His friends arrested. What is going on over there?
New laws make it an offence to upset religious believers. Gays can face imprisonment, forced labour or at the very least hefty fines. Is this what Jesus would have wanted? Who's to say he wasn't gay? He got to 33 and never married. He may have been. We will never know.
This young man looks a bit like Jesus, with his long hair soaked in blood. His pain offends me, and everyone else with a shred of humanity. The Christ I've heard of would have bathed his wounds. Religion like this shames everyone in Russia.

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