Wednesday 24 February 2010

Olympic skicross superstars

How fantastic is Olympic skicross! Don't know? You just missed the best bit of telly this year. They shoot out of that trap like a dog after a rabbit and do they shift! Four at once, flat out down the hill. The falls are spectacular but they mostly get up and ski on down. Awesome! One girl came in on her tummy last night, just like the penguin in Mary Poppins, all arms and legs in the air. You laugh with relief as much as anything.

Watched the men first and they made it look easy. Then last night, the girls and suddenly you see they have to clear a huge flat, table top first. Some of them sail it, others straddle and it's game over for them. How do they do that, blasting away with a pair of sticks strapped to their feet and a blizzard raging? And all four together trying to get ahead? It's fantastic, thrilling stuff and it so beats the curling, especially after the commentators told us our girls had no chance long before the end of the end. Curling speak. And thanks guys! Dipsticks!

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