Sunday 28 February 2010

Ticket to snack on

Insanity- there's no shortage! What about the Ryanair passenger who won £8,930 on a scratchcard.The happy chap got lucky while flying between Krakow in Poland to East Midlands last week. Delighted crew members congratulated him and told him how to claim his prize when he landed as they don't carry great wads of readies on board.

So what did he do? He ate the scratchcard. Swallowed it. Threw a hissy fit because he couldn't have his money RIGHT NOW! Well, wow that was such a good move! He won't get anything at all. What a loser!

Did he think he won one over Ryanair by stopping them handing over his dosh? Hey there, who's sorry now? Bet they are weeping bitter tears over that. More likely he is. This land is jam-full of loonies whose only purpose is to keep the rest of us entertained. Carry on crackerjacks, you're doing a fine job.

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